doublehead layingdoublehead stand

fell angel wolfdog-
unethically bred & untrained

a personal website for the whims of those who inhabit the same flesh, with pages for media analysis, my alternate universes, fan content, and whatever interest that strikes me in the moment. there is a common fondness for horror and xenofiction between a lot of us, but there are other interests too you'll see here and there. i also might muse about my little old web finds on other sites & the furry fever dream that is secondlife. i also want to write xenohorror stories, a term i want to coin for nonhuman-centric horror. you can read more about it on the xenohorror page in the nav.

mostly run by cujo, but you'll see others like virus and cookie.

under heavy construction


PLEASE READ: Content Warning List

I cannot moderate who enters this site, but viewer discretion is advised. I will not be held responsible. I only recommend traversing this site if you are over 18 because I do not have a filter. All sorts of disturbing topics & NSFW are bound to happen.

this website may contain NSFW content due to the nature of most of my interests & behavior. Any possible graphic NSFW of sexual nature will be labelled, gore & blood be differentiated between illustrated & practical effects/cgi/3D as for me personally I am affected differently depending on the realism / medium.

skull heart clip
check out my chickensmoothie account!

Pet's name: Everest

Pet's name: Svuli

Pet's name: Trojan

Pet's name: NiGHTS