last chance if you dont know whats ahead already you're probably in the wrong place

we are fucked up triplets in the same body* who wanted to make a website, plus more, plus more and more, plus less, plus whoevers here and comes and goes.

im cujo, ive had many names but i like that one for here, or doublehead like those silent hill dogs. i will talk about my art and whatever i feel wont be traced in my mundane day to day life because the internet is too malicious to be too specific, and my internal world. my day to day life is affected by said internal world, so it may as well be an external world, but you cannot track down my job and address from details about my headspace so I'll talk about that a bit more freely than i will other stuff.

i can legally drink and operate an airline plane, i took an html class in highschool and im learning still every day. the avatar you see on the homepage is me in real life because i am a fucked up and evil looking dog.

*the triplets thing isn't entirely literal, but if you choose to imagine it as such, whatever.